Sunday, November 8, 2009

Why don't bathroom partitions have cup holders?

For the first time ever I visited The Starboard in Dewey Beach. I made the trip with my sister who had been several times over the summer. I was excited to experience this place firsthand and see what this place was all about.

The drink of choice for the evening turned out to be vodka/tonics. I'm always hesitant about drinking liquor because I know a hangover is in my future. At the Starboard they serve their drinks with straws which is the key ingredient for a hazy night. After numerous vodka/tonics it was time to use the restroom. I had just gotten a new drink and realized after walking in that there was no one behind me to ask to hang on to it, so I brought it into the stall with me. Not sure why I thought there would be a good place to rest my drink, but I decided that the toilet paper dispenser was wide enough and stable enough to support my beverage for three minutes. It was doing a great job, but then it all went wrong.

I sit down, (after thoroughly wiping down every surface that I would be coming in contact with), and suddenly the empty stall next to me became occupied. The slamming of the partition door created such a jolting force that my drink jumped, not fell, it jumped square into my underwear. It was as if the cup sprouted wings and flew right onto me. I was in shock as I watched the cup bounce across the floor and slide under another stall. I had my own personal ice sculpture topped with an orange slice sitting there in the crotch of my underwear. I didn't even know where to begin in the clean up process. I lifted the ice pile and threw it to the side only to have it land on the feet of the girl in the next stall who responded, "What the 'eff? Where did this ice come from?" I felt bad as she slipped on it trying to walk out.

Luckily for me my jeans were dark, the bar was dark and everyone was beyond drunk. Though the remaining time at the bar were a little cold and uncomfortable, the evening proved memorable. Lesson Learned: Hit the restroom first, then the bar.


  1. That is freaking hilarious!!! Once again, you have tears running down my face!

  2. "I had my own personal ice sculpture topped with an orange slice sitting there in the crotch of my underwear."

    As the youngin's say "LOL"

    This sounds like something that would happen to me....

    As always, you make me love you with your funny way of approaching the world and the events that happen on a day to day basis.


  3. I think bathroom partition maker should read your blog post. I think they will like the idea to add a cup holder in their product.
