Sunday, November 8, 2009

And the Word of the Day is...

Dewche Bag /dew-sh bag/noun:

1. A male patron of Dewey Beach incapable of intelligent conversation, enjoying a Saturday night or managing to make a female laugh and who resorts to criticism and insults in order to get attention.

2. A male with low IQ, low self-esteem and low charisma.

3. A male with no balls.


  1. Oh no-what happened?! I hope you put this guy in his place (which I am sure you did!!)

  2. And...from last Friday:

    When you are a pussy 24/7, no one wants to do you.

    Touch me again and I will break your arm. (said to an unknown douche, who insisted on touching me around my waist).

    Week before: something like... Together you two are The Situation.

