Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With String...

These are a few of my favorite things:

1. Puppies, specifically yellow lab puppies
2. Black & White Cookies
3. The sound of rain when I fall asleep
4. A coupon for $4 off my next 2 bottles of Black Swan Wine
5. Hearing a child say, "Thank you"
6. The aroma of breakfast
7. A hot shower after a long run
8. Helping a friend laugh, especially if they are having a bad day
9. Clean Cold Crisp Sheets
10. Simon & Garfunkel's,"Bridge Over Troubled Water"...

When you're weary, feeling small,
When tears are in your eyes, I will dry them all;
I'm on your side. when times get rough
And friends just cant be found,
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down.
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down.

When you're down and out,
When you're on the street,
When evening falls so hard
I will comfort you.
Ill take your part.
When darkness comes
And pains is all around,
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down.
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down.

Sail on silvergirl,
Sail on by.
Your time has come to shine.
All your dreams are on their way.
See how they shine.
If you need a friend
I'm sailing right behind.
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind.
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind.

Work Hard-Play Harder-Laugh the Hardest

Monday, March 16, 2009

Mw True Hollywood Story

You can't make this stuff up. This story was on my mind so I figured I would be crazy and write two posts in one night. I promise this will be it for a while.

So on Monday nights I tutor an adult with illiteracy at the Washington Literacy Council. I love it. It's by far the most rewarding thing I do all week. It's one hour of my time and I always leave with a huge smile on my face. My student is great. To keep his identity private I will call him Lewis. We usually laugh at least once a session about something I do, but tonight the tables were turned.

Part of our lesson plan is to practice spelling. I rattle off a word and Lewis repeats the word then writes it down. We do this for about 10 words. I don't offer any assistance while he's writing them out. Once he's completed all 10 words I review them all and we go over what he misspelled. The dialogue goes something like this:

Mw: So the word I said was dust, and you wrote....dust, correct!
Lewis: dust D U S T
Mw: Ok, the next word I said was bent, and you wrote...bend. What do we need to change to make that sound like bent, Lewis?
Lewis: the t sound?
Mw: yes, the t, add the t to the end of the word.
(This is what our conversations are like every Monday night, if he's wrong, he will be off by a letter. The next one was off by a little bit more.)
Mw: So, the next word was trot, you know like a horse? And you wrote.......


Mw: Long pause...scrunching my face....biting my lip.

Still nothing, just a long pause.

Cramping in stomach starts to make it impossible to breathe through nose and then I lose it.

I said the word TURD out loud in the middle of our session and EVERYONE heard me! I couldn't control the noise that escaped me but I have never laughed so hard.
Lewis: (He, too realized what I said and was laughing uncontrollably.) Oh, I don't think I spelled that one correctly.
Mw: Nope, no ya didn't. But at least you managed to get half of the learning center to laugh at me!

Now you just can't make that stuff up. I will never look at the word trot the same way again.

Work Hard-Play Harder-Laugh the Hardest

A Break From The Norm

One thing that I have always loved to read are quotes. To change things up I've collected a few about some of my favorite, running and laughter.

I hope you find them both inspirational and entertaining.

Art has to move you and design does not, unless it’s a good design for a bus.
-David Hockney

Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new.
-Henry David Thoreau

Have no fear of perfection - you’ll never reach it.
-Salvador Dali

Technical skill is mastery of complexity, while creativity is mastery of simplicity.
-Christopher Zeeman

Design is the method of putting form and content together. Design, just as art, has multiple definitions; there is no single definition. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that’s why it is so complicated.
-Paul Rand

Graphic design will save the world right after rock and roll does.
-David Carson

The difference between good design and great design is intelligence.
-Tibor Kalman

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
-Douglas Adams

Your dresses should be tight enough to show you're a woman and loose enough to show you're a lady.
-Edith Head

Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.
-William Morris

"Somewhere in the world someone is training when you are not. When you race him, he will win."
- Tom Fleming's Boston Marathon training sign on his wall

"Running is a big question mark that's there each and every day. It asks you, 'Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?'"
- Peter Maher, Irish-Canadian Olympian and sub-2:12 marathoner

"It's at the borders of pain and suffering that the men are separated from the boys."
- Emil Zatopek

"The marathon's about being in contention over the last 10K. That's when it's about what you have in your core. You have run all the strength, all the superficial fitness out of yourself, and it really comes down to what's left inside you. To be able to draw deep and pull something out of yourself is one of the most tremendous things about the marathon."
- Rob de Castella

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.
~e.e. cummings

A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book.
~Irish Proverb

Dogs laugh, but they laugh with their tails. What puts man in a higher state of evolution is that he has got his laugh on the right end.
~Max Eastman

Laughter is an orgasm triggered by the intercourse of sense and nonsense.
~Author Unknown

"There is nothing in which people more betray their character than in what they laugh at."
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“God is a comedian, playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.”

If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it.

Work Hard-Play Harder-Laugh the Hardest

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hit By Cupid's Arrow While Running on Connecticut Ave.

I admit, when I'm running, I look pretty hot. Not hot like Rihanna, hot like I'm sweating my ass off. This is a hotness nobody wants a part of, and you definitely do not want to get near it.

Let me start with a little fact about me and my workout ethic. Every workout is something to me, it's not just a way to kill a few hours or an excuse to take an extra 15 minutes on my lunch break. I strive to constantly improve, whether it's being able to hold my shatarunga for 5 seconds longer during yoga or being able to run from my corner to the zoo in under 4 minutes. I don't think I'm a competitive person with others, but I'm very competitive against myself, if that makes sense? I want to know I'm constantly improving, not getting worse. Obviously, as I get older things are going to slow down, but for now I enjoy a personal challenge.

Timing is everything, especially for running. I find that I time myself a lot. I think I acquired this habit from work where we operate on billable hours. One night when going home I decided to time how long it takes me to get from the Metro to my door- 2 minutes. Then I wanted to see how long it would take me to get to my doorstep and get out my keys should I ever find myself being chased. You laugh at the thought of me doing this, but I know all of you are thinking, "hmmm I wonder how quickly I could get inside my house?" Time yourself sometime. You may be amazed at how long it takes to get that key in the hole and inside with the door shut.

So I do these runs on Sundays every once in a while that I call my 60 minute scramble. I basically take off in either direction on Connecticut Ave. and run for 30 minutes in the same direction then turn around and head back. Today I headed south which meant my goal was to step foot on the mall in 30 minutes, turn around and get back to my corner in the other 30 minutes. Depending on the pedestrian traffic I can either make it with seconds to spare or I miss it completely. Today it was the latter; I missed it by 1 minute 7 seconds. Not happy.

I deliberated about it as I waited for the light to turn at 17th street. It was all going so well, I took 20th Street vs. running through the circle, I ran the light at K street and zig zagged in between so many bikes and strollers that I resembled a roller derby skater. I believe the momentum was slowed early on back up Connecticut by the zoo. That effin' zoo traffic is a nightmare for anyone who is trying to actually get somewhere. I gave up bobbing and weaving and decided to just run in the street along the parked cars, ahhh wide lanes; (Seinfeld reference). I came back on to the sidewalk and there it was, cluster f*ck number 50: Tourists with strollers and multiple children.

Don't think I'm preaching because I'm all above doing anything like a tourist, I have plenty of times. But living in the city has taught me a few things about sidewalk traffic, the same laws of the road apply- you stay to the right. I realize that DC is great and there is plenty of stuff to look at, especially on your way to the zoo. Everyone loves a good bronzed lion statue and wants to get their picture taken next to it. I get it, you're on vacation. The problem I have is when a group of 5 people feel that they all need to walk next to each other and take up the whole width of the sidewalk. DC sidewalks are pretty generous I must say. There is a clear delineation between your side and my side. What confuses the 'eff out of me is when said group of 5 people walking on the sidewalk see me running towards them and they do not move out of the way. If there's a grassy area on the side I will go off the sidewalk to get by them, but if there's a tree or an object that could cause serious bodily damage, I don't move. That's how the cards played out this time. Group of 5 women, a mom, an aunt and 3 daughters, I'm guessing from Wisconsin based on the accent I overheard. The biggest of the daughters was looking right at me and holding her stare for a good 3 seconds as she watched me approach. I wasn't moving; besides there was no where to go but face first into a large oak tree. She had a choice to make, move or stay there and get elbowed; unfortunately she chose the latter. A 140 lb. moving object is going to hurt if it's hits you. I may not seem it, but I'm a big person. My shoulder went right into her arm and then I heard a sound I never thought I would here from a girl her size, "Oooowwww!" I turned and yelled, "Sorry, you need to share the sidewalk". Back to my opening statement, when I run I look hot. Why anyone would subject themselves to getting that close to a sweaty mess like myself is beyond me.

Someone once asked me if I was a serious runner. I responded that I'm a serious person and that I take running seriously, but I'm not a serious runner. A serious runner is someone like Paula Radcliffe, Kara Goucher or Joan Benoit Samuelson, who are Olympians and Marathon winners. I could never hang in that crowd. I enjoy running because every run is a new adventure, just like today. When I'm running, (outside of the Connecticut Ave. crowds), I may physically be in DC but my mind is elsewhere. I focus on the 3 things that are left to control, my legs, my lungs and my mind. I take myself somewhere new with every run. I find that the more I push myself physically the further I push my imagination. It really is true what they say about running, it's 90% mental endurance and 10% physical.

As I was running home I couldn't help but notice people gazing at the center of my stomach. I assumed it was a huge sweat stain. When I got home and caught a glance of myself, I saw that it was a little bit more. It was a sweat stain alright, but in the shape of a heart! I'm not kidding. It was a long skinny heart that clearly had two semi-circles at the top and a point at the bottom. I've heard of people seeing the outline of Jesus or Mother Teresa before, but I've never seen anything first hand. What could this possibly mean? Was cupid following me on my adventure today? Maybe all of that dodging and ducking down Connecticut Ave didn't throw him off his game and he was following me the whole time?

Who knows what's in store for me but I'll definitely keep everyone posted. I've been hit by the arrow and I'm keeping my faith that Prince Charming is on his way and he's not intimidated by sweat either!

To be continued.

Work Hard-Play Harder-Laugh the Hardest

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Bachelor Part II

Dear Jason,

Along with millions of other women across the US tonight, I watched you as the center of attention, sitting on the sofa under the scrutiny of both Chris Harrison and the former bachelorettes. I have many thoughts, none of which were closely represented by the short audience inquiry performed by our host. I think Naomi said it best when she summed it up with, 'we all know how we feel and how Melissa feels, but no one really knows how Jason feels.'

I certainly don't know how you feel. As long as Molly knows and most importantly you know, that's all that matters. I am thankful that your 15 minutes of fame are up, you certainly had your share of my time over the past two nights. In the end I learned something about women, men and about myself. You have a tough road ahead of you and I hope you are up for the challenge. The rest of my opinion really doesn't matter.

So prove us wrong, J-Dawg and show us what happens when you really do follow your heart.

Optimistic & Realistic in DC,

P.S. I couldn't help but notice that those puppy dog eyes of yours did not shed one tear tonight. It was a welcomed change, please continue this behavior when on television. I'm going to assume that Molly took the set of balls out of her pants and put them in yours. You were in desperate need of a pair. Keep in mind that if things don't work out, she can easily kick your ass.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Someone Needs to Give that Man a Tissue

This post is going to be brief because like those of you who watched The Bachelor tonight you know as I do that the story continues again tomorrow night.

What else could there possibly be for us to get updated on? This was the most whacked out finale ever. I texted my sister throughout the 3 hour program just to make sure I wasn't the only one who thought this guy must be related to that punk on the metro, because he's a douche. I'll pick up where I left off tomorrow once I have been given all of the information to analyze.

Until then I have made one startling discovery. I found out who believes in that crazy love song that was stuck in my head yesterday, (I don't know much, but I know I love you....), it's the girls on this show. They believe in that fairy tale nonsense, hell one of them even wrote a fairy tale about her time with J-Dawg.

I think you need to have that kind of faith, that true love really exists, in order to go on that show. You need to be open to that fairy tale idea but at the same time be able to put yourself out there in front of the ENTIRE world. I felt a range of emotions watching the show, happiness, sadness, heartbreak, embarrassment and most of all just plain confusion. Is this guy really worth all of this heartache? I don't think so. Both girls are beautiful, smart and can do much better in my opinion. Why would you want to be with a guy cries more often then you do? He was a wimp, plane and simple. When it came down to making a decision, he choked. Why? Because he's trying to fall in love on TV and only had a couple of hours to decide on the ring AND who to give it to before the episode aired. Does anyone else see the irony here?

Relationships should be developed according to the couple's timeline, not the ABC Monday Night Spring Season.

Love can't be established on the set of a TV show under the bright lights, New Zealand sunsets and massages on the beach. Love is discovered at your lowest of lows, not your highest of highs. Love is discovered at 2 am when you've missed the last train and need someone to pick you up, love is discovered when you have an allergic reaction to make-up and have a face full of pimples but someone still tells you that you're beautiful, and last but not least, love is discovered when you overcook the pasta and someone can choke it down and tell you it was pretty fantastic. That's when love comes walking in.....(cue the Van Halen song).

Stay tuned for tomorrow's episode to see what Jason does next, I know I will be watching.

Work Hard-Play Harder-Laugh the Hardest

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Love Songs that make me Vom

Out of no where the song, "I don't know much, but I know I love you, and that may be all there is to know", came bustin' into my head and it's making me want to stab something sharp deep into my ear canal. I don't like that song and I don't have time to contemplate such ludicrous lyrics, but what would make somebody write that and then actually mean it?

Has anyone ever stopped to think of the insanity of that phrase? Think about it, I don't know much, (you're stating that you're already of a low IQ), but I know I love you and that may be all there is to know, (in other words, so that's where I draw the line on taking in additional knowledge, that's it, I'm good and don't need to know anything else). Why would anyone ever declare such nonsense? Seriously?

That may be all there is to know? I've been in love for sure, and not once did I ever think, this is great I'm all set in the wisdom department so I don't need to learn anything else. I have an insatiable appetite for wanting to know things, all kinds of things. And I don't think it would ever stop just because I was in love. Do these people really exist? If so, they don't share my reality and they certainly don't live in DC.

In this town you better know more than the fact you are in love or you'll get eaten up, stepped on and climbed over by those people who are well aware of the fact, that you need something besides the clarity of knowing you are in love to get ahead and survive in this world.

So I took some time to think of a few things that I would want to know, even if I was in love. Take for instance I'd like to know what the douche bag on the metro was thinking on Friday morning at 8-thirty when he stood there blocking the door and reading his Express at arm's length. I looked at him and said, "Thanks for the blocking the door." His response as he snapped his gum in my ear and lowered his paper, "no problem". He was a punk which is why I proceeded to smirk at him when at the next stop he got put in his place. The doors opened and a man much older, wiser, larger and yes, much more confident got on and didn't even he have to utter a word, he just looked at this 22 year old punk in his cheap suit and extra hold hair gel and the punk understood. He knew he had to move the 'eff into the train because an alpha dog just got on and was going to make him move one way or another. That's just one of the complexities I would like explained to me even if I was in love.

Another thing I would like to know, even if I was in love, is what the hell is up with the guy in my yoga class who has the most disgusting feet EVER. How is one not aware of the current sate of their toes, toenails and anything in between? This guy somehow ends up next to me on most Tuesdays. He sweats like a pig but I'm ok with that, I can look beyond the sweat. But when his two feet are smack dab in my line of vision during my Balancing Half Moon pose I have no choice but to look and silently gag. He needs to be made aware of the ramifications of bringing in such funk to the yoga studio. On top of it he's a moaner. Every twist and stretch I hear him over there moaning, not deep breathing, moaning. He's got to go but before he does I want to know what that funk is on his feet and if it's contagious.

I could go on and on I'm sure with other trivial and not so trivial things I would like to know, even if I was in love. One last thing I would like to know as I sit here watching Brother & Sisters, has Sally Field ever played any other role besides a doting mother? She's always the mom role.

So, to all of you out there reading this do those lyrics mean anything to you? Are you in love and are you content only knowing this going forward? I'm only one person with one opinion, feel free to share yours and your interpretation. Does love really conquer all?

Work Hard-Play Harder-Laugh the Hardest