Out of no where the song, "I don't know much, but I know I love you, and that may be all there is to know", came bustin' into my head and it's making me want to stab something sharp deep into my ear canal. I don't like that song and I don't have time to contemplate such ludicrous lyrics, but what would make somebody write that and then actually mean it?
Has anyone ever stopped to think of the insanity of that phrase? Think about it, I don't know much, (you're stating that you're already of a low IQ), but I know I love you and that may be all there is to know, (in other words, so that's where I draw the line on taking in additional knowledge, that's it, I'm good and don't need to know anything else). Why would anyone ever declare such nonsense? Seriously?
That may be all there is to know? I've been in love for sure, and not once did I ever think, this is great I'm all set in the wisdom department so I don't need to learn anything else. I have an insatiable appetite for wanting to know things, all kinds of things. And I don't think it would ever stop just because I was in love. Do these people really exist? If so, they don't share my reality and they certainly don't live in DC.
In this town you better know more than the fact you are in love or you'll get eaten up, stepped on and climbed over by those people who are well aware of the fact, that you need something besides the clarity of knowing you are in love to get ahead and survive in this world.
So I took some time to think of a few things that I would want to know, even if I was in love. Take for instance I'd like to know what the douche bag on the metro was thinking on Friday morning at 8-thirty when he stood there blocking the door and reading his Express at arm's length. I looked at him and said, "Thanks for the blocking the door." His response as he snapped his gum in my ear and lowered his paper, "no problem". He was a punk which is why I proceeded to smirk at him when at the next stop he got put in his place. The doors opened and a man much older, wiser, larger and yes, much more confident got on and didn't even he have to utter a word, he just looked at this 22 year old punk in his cheap suit and extra hold hair gel and the punk understood. He knew he had to move the 'eff into the train because an alpha dog just got on and was going to make him move one way or another. That's just one of the complexities I would like explained to me even if I was in love.
Another thing I would like to know, even if I was in love, is what the hell is up with the guy in my yoga class who has the most disgusting feet EVER. How is one not aware of the current sate of their toes, toenails and anything in between? This guy somehow ends up next to me on most Tuesdays. He sweats like a pig but I'm ok with that, I can look beyond the sweat. But when his two feet are smack dab in my line of vision during my Balancing Half Moon pose I have no choice but to look and silently gag. He needs to be made aware of the ramifications of bringing in such funk to the yoga studio. On top of it he's a moaner. Every twist and stretch I hear him over there moaning, not deep breathing, moaning. He's got to go but before he does I want to know what that funk is on his feet and if it's contagious.
I could go on and on I'm sure with other trivial and not so trivial things I would like to know, even if I was in love. One last thing I would like to know as I sit here watching Brother & Sisters, has Sally Field ever played any other role besides a doting mother? She's always the mom role.
So, to all of you out there reading this do those lyrics mean anything to you? Are you in love and are you content only knowing this going forward? I'm only one person with one opinion, feel free to share yours and your interpretation. Does love really conquer all?
Work Hard-Play Harder-Laugh the Hardest
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