Sunday, August 21, 2011

Learning to Share the Facebook Way

Thanks to Facebook (FB) we are able to connect to people on a virtual level anytime, anywhere. We can share photos, useless details about our day, a great sale at our favorite store or an impromptu happy hour at a local bar. All of this posting and status updating has lots of benefits, but it also has a downside. The fine line between "over sharing" and "connecting" has become so smudged that I sometimes find myself reading an update and thinking, "I really didn't need to know that." Everyone's "privacy settings" on their level of discretion are different. I am not a big status update person. The details of my existence are shared with the people that need to know and who want to know; this doesn't include the 400+ friends I have on FB. The great thing about any social networking site is that we are able to express ourselves how we feel comfortable. Some people are really comfortable expressing themselves and with that I have come up with my biggest pet peeves on FB status updates. Some of you are going to get angry when you read this, but this is my opinion and only my opinion. If you're offended then we can agree to disagree.

FB Status Pet Peeves

1) Photos of feet. I know what you're thinking, you were on vacation and wanted everyone to know you were on vacation but you were by yourself and didn't want to ask someone to take a photo of you, tried several times unsuccessfully to take your own picture and finally gave up and took a photo of your feet as proof. I have never met anyone whose feet were better looking than their face. I would rather see an off centered, close up of one eyeball than see a picture of your feet. Seriously, enough of the feet.

2) Photos of food. I'm not sure when this trend started or why, but what's up with photos of food? Photos of wine are good, especially if you're drinking alone. That way people know they should come find you so you're not drinking alone anymore. Trust me, no one wants to see photos of my food. For lunch you would see a spinach salad with tuna fish and carrots and craisins. You also don't want me to describe it in detail followed by the word, "yummy!" The word yummy is best used on people under the age of 9. Once you hit the double digits you gotta stop using that word. So unless you're getting personally served by Mike Isabella at Graffiato or you're on the Today show cooking with Giada, posting photos of your food is like white noise to me.

3) Photos of car thermometers. If you and I live in the same city, I'm fully aware of how hot outside it is on any given day. Thanks to national weather forecasts, I also know how hot it is in any other part of the country. You taking a photo of the temp your car is reading is not providing anyone with useful information. And if you're dumb enough to take it while driving you're just being ignorant. Do you really want to be that person who rear ended someone b/c you were taking a photo of the temperature on your dashboard?

4) Photos of cuts, scrapes, bruises or bug bites. If it's a sunburn and you have a big hand mark on your back, that's funny. But I don't need to see anything else. Sorry that you fell and scraped your knee. Grab a band-aid, put some neosporin on it and ask your BFF to kiss it, but don't photograph it.

5) The details of your sickness. If you're sick in the hospital I want to know. I'll be thinking of you and praying for you. If you're home with the common cold, the flu or your hungover, you can just leave it at that, "Sparky isn't feeling well today, drank too much at Circa last night." When you tell me more than that and use words like vomit, mucous or (my least favorite), diarrhea, you make me feel sick, too. Don't over share when you're sick, less is more.

6) Any photo taken while you're driving a car. See #3; enough said.

7) Posts telling me I need to re post your status if I love my dog, my sister or Jesus. My sisters and my family know I love them because I tell them. My mom and dad are not on FB so I have to tell them the "old fashioned" way and actually tell them. Jesus knows I love him because I go to mass. Last time I checked Jesus wasn't on FB either.

8) Political Rants and Bashing. Again, everyone has an opinion. If you want to post something that endorses your candidate go for it. The problem I have is when other people attack the person posting and start bashing that person's beliefs. Write whatever you want on your wall and as your status, but telling someone that they're "crazy" or an "idiot" for supporting someone that you don't agree with is overly aggressive. I think all of us have friends that do this and any use of the trigger words Democrat or Republican can send them into orbit about whatever subject is being discussed. These people need to join a meet up group or start a debate team; leave my FB wall out of it and take your soap box elsewhere.

9) Constantly Checking In. I get it, you're out at a bar and you want your posse to know where to find you. But the gym? Whole Foods? Getting your oil changed? I mean what's next, checking in for a bikini wax? That's great your 2000 miles are up and you need an oil change. If a family of raccoons was discovered under the hood by all means, take photos and share it. But if it's just your routine oil change keep that between you and the guy at Jiffy Lube.

Disclaimer: The context of this post is not directed to anyone in particular and should not be seen as a personal attack in any way. This is my two cents, and only that. Post whatever you want and use your FB page as you wish. But when I start over sharing and doing anything mentioned above, please let me know immediately.

The FB may be responsible for decreased productivity in the workplace, decreased attendance at high school reunions, it can also take credit for increasing friendships, socializing and spreading good news and humor. And, I think anything that increases the amount we laugh during the day is definitely a good thing.

"Life isn't about learning to climb the hill in front of us, it's about learning to navigate the entire mountain range" -Mw

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Well said MW! I am very guilty of some of these things, but totally agree with you.
