A collection of rants and raves that finally traveled from paper to laptop....
I'm inspired to write by the experiences I have and the people I encounter. Sometimes I wish my brain was attached to a keyboard that would automatically write, edit, (ok I don't ever edit), and post the stories that run through my head on a daily basis. Sadly, most of them never make it to my blog but I'm trying to be better at posting. The collection of items below were recently discovered as I went through the pages of my notebook and saw some words I scribbled down last December when on the bus. (Note: I don't like taking the bus.) The ironic part is that yesterday I found myself on the bus again, remembered the notes I wrote down and simultaneously overheard additional material for another post. (Interesting how things like that work out, maybe I need to ride the bus more often?)
This is my version of a "thumbs up" or "thumbs down". But to make it a little more hip, I'm going to call it "Fist Pumps", (the stuff I give kudos to), and "Eye Rolls", (the stuff that literally makes me roll my eyes or squint in disbelief).
Fist Pump!
The Spin Pin. I own every type of hair accessory out there, seriously. (Have you seen the rat's nest of hair I have?) If I see a commercial where a girl uses a product that makes her hair look shiny, controlled or pulled back in an elegant manner, I'm all over it. I have a drawer in my bathroom dedicated to the gadgets I've tried: headbands of every material, clips of every size, combs, barrettes, elastics, ornamentation for buns, ponytails, braids, you name it. I still have a banana clip in the drawer somewhere. I saw a commercial for the Spin Pin. What's this? A corkscrew like device that will allow me to whip my hair back in an elegant twist? Well, it sure looks elegant so I need to have it! Off to CVS I went with bonus card in hand to obtain the newest solution to my quest for awesome hair. 20 minutes later I was back in my bathroom and trying it out. Guess what? That thing works! I love it! One twist and careful insertion into my poof of hair and I have instant updo! Bravo Spin Pin! You will stay near the front of the drawer from now on!
Eye Roll!
Holiday Commercials from Kay Jewelers and Folgers.
Every year like clockwork these novelties come out and I despise them both. Let's get something straight, the old Folgers commercial where the son comes home in time for Christmas is good, but this newest spin-off where the girl answers the door and says, "Sister!" is horrendous. I don't know anyone who is that "googley-eyed" over their brother. As for the Kay's commercials, I don't even know where to begin. Grown women getting scared over thunderstorms? Now if it was a spider I would understand, but a thunderstorm? And you're going to turn and hide in his arms?
This one is much better and had me laughing my head off:
Fist Pump!
Amazing teachers. In 2009 I wrote a blog that compared surviving another year to "everyone making it on the bus" when you were a child going on a school field trip. When taking the bus one day last December I had a moment of deja vu as I watched two adults and 8 kids get on the bus. It was a young woman and a young man, 4 little girls and 4 little boys. They all piled on in one big moving cloud of down jackets, snow boots and mittens. I could hear the adults giving instructions on how to navigate the bus, to get on quickly, to sit not stand and to be polite. All of the kids said hello to the bus driver which made him very happy. The adults directed the kids to their seats and then spread out on either end of the bunch. The children sat there with curious eyes and long stares out the windows. Not one of them yelled, moved or picked on the child next to them. They were the most well behaved kids I had ever seen on any form of public transportation. After a few stops, I leaned forward and asked the woman, "Are these all of your kids?" She laughed and said no that she was their pre-school teacher. I told her how impressed I was with the children's behavior and that I give her a lot of credit for being a teacher. She looked at me with a big smile and said, "Thank you very much, it means a lot to hear that from a total stranger."
I give a fist pump to all of the teachers out there. They have one of the hardest and most thankless jobs in the world. I've had a lot of wonderful teachers in my life. Each of them taught me something that helped me to develop into the person I am today.
Eye Roll!
Pre-Occupied Parents. Here's a thought: If you're walking over a bridge and you're in the middle and your child who just learned to walk is at the end of the bridge, and that bridge just happens to be on CT Ave, one of DC's busiest roads, and your child is standing precariously close to the guard rail as traffic goes whizzing by.....YOU MIGHT JUST BE WALKING TOO FAR BEHIND YOUR CHILD. Put down the cell phone Mommy, stop texting and focus on your child b/c they're about to get run over.
I have no patience for parents who are not focused on their kids when out in public. Who do you think is going to watch them for you? The lion statues at the end of the bridge?
Fist Pump!
Dancing with the Stars. If you didn't know, it's my all time favorite show. I LOVE it! Like any reality show it's addicting. They have a cast with plenty of eye candy and three saucy judges that keep you on the edge of your seat when they critique. It's the best part of Mondays and Tuesdays and it starts up again TOMORROW. Why do I like this show? For one simple reason, it makes me happy and I smile from ear to ear when I watch it. Dancing is a beautiful art form and I admire anyone who possesses this skill. Watching the professionals dance is incredible and watching the amateurs improve over the course of the season is amazing.
Eye Roll!
Naked Lady Parts in the Steam Room. I know it's a steam room and nudity is expected. But when there is just two people in the steam room and you decide to take your towel off, lay down and spread your legs, please don't face me and spread your legs. A few weeks ago while in the steam room I had this happen to me. A woman walks in, goes to the other end of the room, takes off her towel and lays down. I had my eyes closed and didn't know what she was doing. The only reason I opened my eyes was because she started chanting, "ohms". I looked up to see who the hell was chanting in the steam room. Instead of seeing a face I saw a vajayjay b/c she was laying with her knees up and her legs spread. I know some people are comfortable being naked in front of other people, I'm just not comfortable with the close-ups.
Fist Pump!
Girlfriends who inspire me. There are too many people to name here individually but they know who they are and how important they are to me. They are sisters, nieces, girlfriends, moms, business owners, volunteers, problem solvers, artists, writers, athletes, foodies, running buddies, babysitters, dog lovers, entrepreneurs and self-starters. Inspiration comes in all forms. When you feel inspired you feel like you can conquer the world. It's a feeling like no other. I'm constantly finding inspiration from the people that surround me, the ideas they share and the goals they accomplish. If you are the company you keep, then I'm pretty cool company. Thank you to all of my family and friends who motivate, support and inspire me. The impact you have on my life is valuable and the time I get to spend with you is cherished.
"Life isn't about climbing the hill in front of us, it's about learning to navigate the entire mountain range."
Love this MW! I need that Spin Pin! Fist pump to that :)