It's almost the end of another year and a tradition that I would like to start is writing a "Christmas Letter", but I've never done it. Now that I have a blog though I can easily dedicate this entry to some seasonal "shout outs" and of course, rants. The end of the year is a good time to do a check. You know the check that your teacher would do after going on a field trip in school? She would rattle off every one's name and make sure they were accounted for and on the bus. Now that I'm a grown-up, (per se), I like to do the same thing with my family and friends, did we all make it this year? Yes, we did. And for that alone I can say I'm fortunate because I know a lot of people probably have a different answer. If you're reading this blog say to yourself, "I survived another year, even with all of the trials and tribulations that may have come along with it, I survived."
In the world of wine a melange is a blend of incongruous elements. The following shorts are a blend of different experiences over the course of the year. Some are comical, some are sarcastic but all of them sincere.
One for the Metro:
Yesterday afternoon on a crowded train full of Saturday tourists, I spied a woman in her mid-twenties reading a large book with a large purse taking over the seat next to her. At the next stop two women get on and since there was no where to sit they stood. I would guess both women were in their late 60's and they grabbed a pole right in front of said woman with large book and large purse. She looked up, saw them, and put her head back down to continue reading. The women looked at her, saw the space she was reserving for her purse and just continued to hang on and smile. The next stop girl in twenties gets off the train. I couldn't help but notice the book she was reading because it was so large. It had gold leafing on the pages, a beautiful ribbon bookmark and colorful hard cover. Do you know what the rude, mid-twenties something, girl with the large purse taking it's own seat on a crowded Metro was reading? THE BIBLE.
At a bar in Alexandria...
I was out with some girlfriends one night and we needed a place to stash our coats. That's the one item no one wants to juggle while out at a bar, your big, heavy, winter coat. The bar was crowded but we spotted a shelf in the corner. One by one we went over and carefully piled our coats one on top of another. I went last and as I turned around a guy came over and started sifting through the pile of coats. He looked at me and said in a very snotty tone, "I just wanted to make sure you didn't take my coat!" I said, "Why would I take your coat?" He replied, "Well you never know; I wanted to make sure you didn't walk off with it or throw it on the floor!" He was a 20-something-wanna-be-frat-boy and that last line really boiled my blood. First of all, I have a lady's coat, why would I want a "boy's" coat. Unless, I walked in with a guy who wasn't wearing a coat and was shivering, I'm pretty sure you don't have to worry about me taking your coat. I walked passed him and said, "Look jack ass, I got no interest in you or your leather bomber jacket circa 1985!" I noticed that the tag was sticking out on his sweater and it said in big letters, 100% Cashmere. That may be what's on the inside, but on the outside he was a 40% cotton/poly blend, 60% douche bag.
Shout Outs...
I think of life as a constant juggling act. Sometimes we juggle three, four or five balls at a time. There is always one that is in each of our hands and there is one we have our eyes on, and the other is out of control. I think that's how life is sometimes, there will be parts that we can grasp and parts that we just can't seem to get a good handle on. I myself volleyed between having the employment ball and the physical ball a little erratic at times this year. But at the same time, I was fortunate to have the family and friend's ball to support me in either hand...
Thank you to my sister Gaby for taking excellent care of me for the two weeks I spent recovering after my back surgery. I would have never made it without you and your every loyal assistant, Emmi. I was able to lay by the pool all day and have someone cook for me each night. It was like I was one of those women who go to a spa so they can recover from plastic surgery!
To my sister Marilyn for always reading my blog, providing feedback and showing support of my dream of becoming a writer. Your comments are always appreciated!
To the friends who I was able to reconnect with this year thanks to FB. And to the people who defriended me after friending me on FB, that's probably for the best and I'm sorry for your loss.
To the rude, ignorant and crazy: Thank you. You are what inspires me to be a nicer person, better sister, friend, aunt and co-worker. I model your behavior by doing the exact opposite of how you've conducted yourself. You provide me with my blog rants and give me the most valuable lessons learned. The worst experiences really do make the best stories.
To all of the friends that I have spotted from going out the past 11 nights in a row: thank you for spending some time celebrating the holidays with me. I enjoyed every minute, every story, every shot, every photo, every piece of cheese, every glass of wine and of course, every laugh! My friends are fun and provide me with many things to smile about. The sounds of your laughter are forever a part of my holiday memories.
Here's to all of my family and friends for making it back on the bus!
Only the Best of Wishes,